1. Introduction
In the fast-paced world of architecture, engineering, and construction, the complexity of multi-story buildings presents numerous challenges across their entire lifecycle, from design and construction to operation and maintenance. As the demand for more sustainable, efficient, and resilient buildings continues to grow, there is a pressing need for innovative approaches to address these challenges and optimize building processes.
One such approach gaining prominence is the use of ontologies – structured frameworks that define and organize the concepts, entities, relationships, and rules within a specific domain. In the realm of multi-story buildings, ontologies offer a powerful tool for enhancing understanding, collaboration, and decision-making among stakeholders involved in the building lifecycle.
This introduction sets the stage for exploring the role of ontologies in multi-story buildings, highlighting their importance in semantic understanding, data integration, knowledge management, decision support, and lifecycle management. By providing a common language and formalized semantics, ontologies enable stakeholders to bridge disciplinary boundaries, integrate heterogeneous data sources, capture domain knowledge, and leverage intelligent systems for more efficient and sustainable building practices.
In this paper, we delve into the key benefits, challenges, and applications of ontologies in the context of multi-story buildings, showcasing their potential to revolutionize how buildings are designed, constructed, operated, and maintained. Through case studies, examples, and best practices, we demonstrate how ontologies can empower stakeholders to navigate the complexities of building projects, optimize resource utilization, minimize environmental impact, and enhance the overall performance and resilience of multi-story buildings.
Join us on a journey to explore the transformative power of ontologies in shaping the future of building design, construction, and management. Together, we can unlock new possibilities and create buildings that not only stand tall but also stand the test of time.
2. Purpose
By defining relationships and connections between different entities within the building lifecycle, an ontology facilitates interoperability between different software systems and tools used in design, construction, and maintenance. This interoperability improves data exchange, collaboration, and integration across various phases of the building lifecycle.
An ontology helps capture and organize domain knowledge about building construction and maintenance in a structured and machine-readable format. This facilitates knowledge sharing, reuse, and discovery, leading to more informed decision-making and improved performance throughout the building lifecycle.
With an ontology in place, stakeholders can develop intelligent systems and decision support tools that leverage the structured knowledge encoded in the ontology. These tools can assist in tasks such as design optimization, construction planning, resource allocation, predictive maintenance, and performance analysis, ultimately leading to more efficient and sustainable buildings.
An ontology enables holistic lifecycle management of buildings by providing a unified framework for modeling and managing the entire lifecycle from conception to decommissioning. This facilitates better planning, monitoring, and control of activities at each stage, leading to improved efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability over the building’s lifespan.
3. Scope
4. Intended users
The intended users of a nature-friendly ontology for multi-story buildings would encompass a diverse range of stakeholders involved in the planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning of buildings. These users may include:
- Architects and Designers: Architects and designers would use the ontology to incorporate nature-friendly design principles into their building designs, ensuring that the projects they create prioritize sustainability, environmental stewardship, and occupant well-being.
- Engineers and Contractors: Engineers and contractors would utilize the ontology to implement nature-friendly construction practices and technologies, ensuring that buildings are constructed in a manner that minimizes environmental impact, maximizes resource efficiency, and enhances resilience to climate change.
- Building Owners and Developers: Building owners and developers would leverage the ontology to make informed decisions about the selection of sustainable building materials, technologies, and systems, as well as to implement nature-friendly operational and maintenance practices that optimize building performance and minimize life cycle costs.
- Facility Managers and Operations Staff: Facility managers and operations staff would rely on the ontology to manage and maintain buildings in a manner that promotes energy efficiency, water conservation, indoor air quality, and occupant comfort, while also minimizing environmental impact and ensuring compliance with sustainability standards and regulations.
- Policy Makers and Regulators: Policy makers and regulators would use the ontology to develop and enforce regulations, codes, and standards that promote nature-friendly building practices and incentivize the adoption of sustainable technologies and strategies across the building industry.
- Researchers and Educators: Researchers and educators would utilize the ontology to conduct studies, analyze data, and disseminate knowledge about nature-friendly building practices, technologies, and policies, as well as to educate future generations of professionals about the importance of sustainability and environmental stewardship in the built environment.
By providing a common framework for representing and organizing knowledge about nature-friendly building practices across multiple disciplines and stakeholders, the ontology would facilitate collaboration, communication, and knowledge sharing among users, enabling them to work together towards the common goal of creating buildings that are not only environmentally responsible but also contribute positively to the health and well-being of occupants and the surrounding ecosystems.
5. Intended use
Creating a nature-friendly ontology for a building involves incorporating concepts and relationships that relate to sustainable and environmentally friendly practices in construction and building management.
1-Green Building Certifications:
• Classes: LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) https://www.usgbc.org/leed BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) https://bregroup.com/products/breeam/ • Properties: adheresToCertification, certificationLevel, etc.
2-Energy Efficiency:
Classes: EnergyEfficientBuilding, EnergyRating, RenewableEnergySystem. • https://www.energystar.gov/ https://www.iccsafe.org/codes-tech-support/codes/ • Properties: hasEnergyRating, usesRenewableEnergy, energyConsumption.
3-Sustainable Materials:
Classes: RecycledMaterial, LowImpactMaterial, SustainableWood. • https://c2ccertified.org/ https://us.fsc.org/en-us • Properties: madeOf, hasSustainabilityRating, recycledContent.
4-Water Efficiency:
Classes: WaterEfficientAppliance, RainwaterHarvestingSystem, GreywaterSystem. • https://www.epa.gov/watersense https://living-future.org/case-studies/watershed/ • Properties: usesWaterEfficiently, harvestsRainwater, treatsGreywater.
5-Green Roof and Walls:
Classes: GreenRoof, GreenWall, LivingFacade. • https://greenroofs.org/ https://www.greenroofs.com/ • Properties: hasGreenRoof, hasGreenWall, promotesBiodiversity.
6-Waste Management:
Classes: WasteRecyclingSystem, CompostingSystem, WasteReductionPlan. • https://zwia.org/ https://www.epa.gov/smm • Properties: implementsRecycling, compostsWaste, reducesWasteGeneration
7-Indoor Environmental Quality:
Classes: LowVOCMaterial, DaylightingSystem, IndoorAirQualityMonitoring. • https://www.wellcertified.com/ https://www.epa.gov/indoorairplus • Properties: usesLowVOCMaterials, maximizesDaylight, monitorsAirQuality
8-Biodiversity Conservation:
Classes: HabitatPreservationArea, BiodiversityMonitoringProgram, GreenSpace. • https://www.biophiliccities.org/ https://new.gbca.org.au/green-star/green-star-communities/ • Properties: preservesHabitat, monitorsBiodiversity, providesGreenSpace.
9-Carbon Footprint:
• Classes: CarbonNeutralBuilding, CarbonOffsetProgram, CarbonEmissionTracking • https://www.carbontrust.com/de https://www.iso.org/standard/38381.html • Properties: aimsToBeCarbonNeutral, offsetsCarbonEmissions, tracksCarbonFootprint
10-Community Engagement:
Classes: CommunityGarden, EducationalProgram, PublicSpaces. • https://living-future.org/community/ https://living-future.org/just/ • Properties: engagesCommunity, providesEducation, offersPublicSpaces.