Integration Context

 Olympic Park


 As a leading international sports competition, Olympic Games are considered the world’s foremost sporting event. Olympic Parks are sports complexes that host the Olympic Games, and these facilities are also used for cultural and social events. They host more than 200 participating countries and the number of visitors exceeds 2.5 million each year. Therefore, these complexes need to be well-structured to manage the movement and activities (i.e., evacuation, sheltering in place, or relocation) of the stadium spectators, participants (i.e., competitors, staff, and vendors), and the public in case of a hazardous situation.

The Olympic Park consists of 2 stadiums (elliptical and circular), cable car, and airport runway as individual systems. The purpose of this model is to create a complex system that can manage the number of people, and evacuate stadiums in case of emergency. The simulation model is designed to have an airport runway that can carry people to the city, and cable car systems to provide transportation between the airport runway, the circular and elliptical stadiums. For a more detailed explanation of the system, the following drawings have been created.


Fig1: Olympic Park overall top view

As can be seen in Fig-1 and Fig-2, passengers in Terminal A and B can reach cable crossing points by busses. The first entrance of the cable car system was designed to take visitors from the airport to the roof of the circular stadium. From the airport, the second entrance of the cable car system allows passengers to reach the roof of the elliptical stadium. The distance between the second stop and the elliptical stadium is 3 km and an intermediate stop (leisure park) is located.


 Fig2: Olympic Park overall side view

Connection Points among Systems:

  • First Point (Airport Runway to Tower Station)



           Fig 3 : Illustration of the connectivity between Runway and Cable Station

  • Second Connection Point (Tower Station to elliptical Stadium)conncetion-point-2

 Fig 4 : Illustration of the cable connectivity between Tower station and elliptical Stadium

  • Third Connection Point (Tower Station to circular Stadium)





Fig 5 : Illustration of the cable connectivity between Tower station and circular Stadium via crossing bridge in the lower levels



Individual Systems

-Airport Runaway

-Cable car

-Stadiums(Elliptical and Circular)


 Main Parts

-Introduction Page

-Combined Ontology

-Combined Parametric Model