Semiarid Climate Zone

The Semiarid Climate Zone, especially the hot semiarid climate, is identified by hot, windy and dry seasons including some humidity months per year.


figure 1: Possible Statistic of Solar Plants and Wind Turbines

Close to Hughenden (Queensland) in Australia, there are current projects planned like the Kennedy Energy Park. For this project our Renewable Energy Park fits suitable and brings along all parameters which are needed (see 3D model).

As you can see in the 3D model, the greatest Energy supply is implemented as seen by 4 to 5 solar plants and 4 to 5 wind turbines. Therefore, see also figure 1. In fact of the rare rain showers overthere the rivers are mostly episodic aquiferous. Therfore, our model includes an extremly wide dam to save the maximum amount of water energy. The Energy Park Parametric Model implements the maximum energy quantity which includes the implementation of the maximum size of solar plants and wind turbines.