2.1 Integrated Ontology


We integrate our system by adding the lift span from the vertical lift bridge to the prestressed concrete viaduct. Hence, now the viaduct serves as the approach spans of the integrated bridge. Elevating the lift span on the towers of the bridge requires power from some energy source. On the other hand, the wind turbine generates some power. We also aim to develop integrated stakeholder relations and integrated construction sequences.


Group 8 - Integrated Ontology
Figure 1: Visualisation of the integrated ontology

In Figure 1 it can be seen that Power is automatically connected to both systems (this connection is harnessed to develop the integrated parametric model). This is because of the fact that Power – is a – TurbineFunction as well as Power – is a – LiftBridgeEnergySource. Also, common structural components like RaftSubstructure, AbutmentSubstructure and PileSubstructure are reflected in the graph. Also, as visible in the figure some of the construction materials like ConcereteMaterial, SteelMaterial and BitumenMaterial are common to either three or two of the systems.

All though both the verticle lift bridge and the viaduct hasMaterial – some – BitumentMaterial. However, the instances are different. The vertical lift bridge has the instance Pave1 (Pavement Material) and the viaduct has the instance BitumentBoard (Compressible Fill and Joint Material) for the BitumenMaterial. For the construction of the viaduct ViaductMaterials – isSuppliedBy – only – AllConVendor. But for the materials for construction of both lift bridge (LiftBridgeMaterial) and wind turbine (TurbineMaterial- isSuppliedBy – some – AllConVendor – and – HeavyMechVendor. This can be observed in Figure 2, where the classes and instances are related by relations.

Figure 2: Visualisation of the integrated stakeholder(vendor) relations

 The integrated construction sequence is also developed by defining pairwise relations. Here we also observe that the construction of the components of the viaduct and lift bridge are dependent. However, the construction sequence of the wind turbine is independent and can be completely carried out parallelly.

Group 8: Sequence
Figure 3: Visualisation of the integrated stakeholder(vendor) relations

We see how the different three systems align and coincide to show combined behavior. The details of the relations, axioms and properties used to develop the integrated ontology can be found in the following link to the .owl file:

owl file

go to

integration context
integration context
integrated models