Life Cycle Analysis

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Goal & Scope:

The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was based on the four civil systems that were chosen by the group members for assignment 2. The purpose of the LCA was to determine the environmental impacts of constructing the integrated system described here.  The LCA was based on the sub-system options that were determined to have the lowest emissions in Assignment 2.

The environmental impacts that were considered are the following:

  • Energy consumed (in GJ)
  • CO2 emissions (in kg)
  • SO2 emissions (in kg)
  • NOx emissions (in kg)
Figure xx:
Scope of the LCA of the integrated system

The above figure presents the system boundary of this LCA. As the LCA of this integrated system was a combination of the studies conducted for our second assignment, the scope of the LCA can vary from system to system. The scope of each of the sub-systems therefore does not necessarily correspond with the scope of the other sub-systems. Therefore, this is presented in the figure. For example, in the LCA of the tunnel, transportation was not considered, or the LCA of the stilling basin was the only study to consider the end-of-life processes, such as recycling and demolishing.

Integrated Design – Scenario III

The following figure presents the emissions of the integrated civil system:
