Detached Garage: Ontological Modelling

1. Introduction:

A detached garage is a space seperated from the rest of a facility or a building that serves the purpose of parking vehicles and storing items. The design of this detached garage should enable it to protect what’s inside from the enviromental factos such as rain, snow, wind and sunlight. The introduced system is a cost efficient system that should simply satisfy that purpose and nothing more, and so adding even more flexibility to integrate it into places where it is needed.

The enclosed space of a garage is achieved using a roof, ground, structural walls that carry the roof and cover walls that enclose the space while perserving heat.


2. Developing the ontology:

1. What is the purpose?

The purpose is modeling a seperated parking/storing unit using the mere elements that are necessary to fulfill the task of protecting the internal from natural factors to the requiered degree, while achieving design flexibility and cost efficiency.

2. What is the scope?

The domain includes only the necessary classes of elements to enclose a space, which are: roof, ground and walls. The materials inlcluded in this ontology are for walls only as the materials of roof and ground are considered.

3. Who are the intended users?

The intended users of this ontology are architechts and garage-system designers and researchers.

4. What is the intended use?

The intended use is to explore design space for a seperated garage unit that efficiently serves the defined purpose.


3. OWL ontology:

Overview of the classes in the developed ontology
Fig. 1: classes in the developed ontology
Fig.3: Object properties
Fig.2: Object properties

The names of the material-sub-classes explain their use. Additional constraints were necessary to make sure the consitency of the ontological model is perserved. A constructive wall can have both a constructive material and an insulation material, meanwhile the cover wall has one material.

Fig.2: OntoGraf showing the relationships between the classes and subclasses
Fig.3: OntoGraf showing the relationships between the classes and subclasses

Download the Ontology:


To the Detached Garage Parametric Model:

Detached Garage: Parametric Modelling