

The first step when starting the development of an ontology for the domain Observation Tower, is to clarify the domain and scope of that work. For that [1] suggest answering some questions as described hereunder.

What is the purpose?

The ontology about to be developed intend to summarize the essential components (structural and non-structural) needed to the concept design of an observation tower.

What is the scope?

The goal of the ontology is to include concepts related to the structural components of the tower as well as the non-structural, the functions such tower can fulfill and lastly what kind of materials can be employed for the different components.

Who are the intended users?

Users of this ontology are considered to be architects and engineers interested in the first phases of an observation tower’s design.

What is the intended use?

Serving as a knowledge representation of the domain, the ontology can help designers create new designs considering all the components and their relations as described in the ontology. For the refurbishment of existing systems, the ontology may be used by designers to asset what elements could be impacted by a given change.


Depending on its purpose, the towers can have different designs and components, related to the function it needs to fulfill. Looking closely at the different designs nevertheless, it can be observed that some components always occur, repeating themselves as essential parts of an observation tower. Those components are listed in Table 1. A visual representation of how those repeating components are related to each other is presented in Figure 1.

 Table 1. Minimal Components for an Observation Tower.ontology_table1

ontology_fig1  Figure 1. Graphic Sketch of the Components in an Observation Tower.



 Figure 2. Graphical Representation of the Observation Tower Ontology


[1] Noy, N., & McGuinness, D. (2001). Ontology Development 101: A Guide to Creating Your First Ontology. Standford, CA: Standford University.

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