Oscillating water column

Oscillating water columns (OWC) are basically a type of wave energy converters that harness the inexhaustible wave energy and transform it into electrical energy. This structure functions mainly because it traps the energy from oscillation of sea side water waves inside an air chamber. There is enormous energy potential free of cost and around the clock. If the same potential is fully exploited it could satisfy worldwide domain of power. It is equivalent to power generated by 700-800 nuclear power stations. It is source of renewable energy with less environmental impact without emission of harmful greenhouse gases. The world first power station of this type was put in service in November 2000 at Scottish island of Islay. It indigenously provides climate and environment friendly energy. Right from that year most of the companies has been tirelessly working onto design efficient OWC models.

The OWC Domain consist of

OWC Ontology

OWC Parametric Modelling