3. Integrated Maintenance Planning

A combined model is developed and its deterioration over its lifetime is studied in order to create a maintenance strategy that can be of significant help when commissioning this combined system. As in this analysis, the combined system has been modeled for deterioration during a lifetime, during an event of Failure including maintenance strategies, the Engineers and Managers are able to approximately predict the behavior of pavements during its lifetime and they can plan the monitoring, maintaining, and repair schedules better with this Risk-based analysis functions that were used in the previous assignments for timelines were used again. Our four systems, fire station, rigid pavement, asphalt pavement, and footbridge were integrated. Frequencies of maintenance, replacements, and repairments were set according to the best design options in each system. Durations of these events were defined. After which, the timelines of the interventions are made.

Our goals were minimizing the total duration of interruptions and maximizing the intervals between events. With Pareto Frontier, we visualized and compared the alternatives according to the two these two criteria.

Pareto efficiency, also known as Pareto optimality, is an economic state in which resources cannot be reallocated to benefit one individual without harming at least one other. Pareto efficiency implies that resources are allocated in the most cost-effective way possible, but it does not imply equality or fairness. When no economic changes can make one person better off without making at least one other person worse off, the economy is said to be in a Pareto optimum state.

In engineering, the concept of Pareto efficiency has been used. The Pareto front is the set of choices that are Pareto efficient given a set of options and a way of valuing them. By focusing on the set of Pareto-efficient options, a designer can make trade-offs within this set rather than considering the entire range of every parameter.

In this plot below, 80 alternatives were ranked. Our goals were minimizing the total duration of interruptions and maximizing the intervals between events. With Pareto Frontier, we visualized and compared the alternatives according to the two these two criteria.
