Bus Station


source: http://www.pvcconstruct.org/upload/images/Newsletter22/Halle_Bus_Station_01M.jpg


A bus station is a place everybody has used, but there are many different thinks that have to take into account, for modeling this stations. For the future every system of public transportation is important to decrease the traffic on the streets and the air pollution. There is also a large scale between bus stations on the countryside and main bus stations in large cities. Some stations don’t got any waiting house or a holding bay for the bus, other stations got electric signs for the timetable or are built like train stations, it depends of course on the amount of persons which use this station. The access height is also a very important field, is anybody able to join the bus or is the difference between the access and the curb so huge, that older persons or disabled persons are not able to use this transportation system. Sets are also very important for older or disabled persons, even for pregnant women. Also the markings on the ground, for blind persons are very important. On the streets there have to be also markings for the traffic, cars are not allowed to park there or they should slow down their speed. Bins are also important for bus stations, to avoid litter on the streets. A huge sign is also necessary, so everybody can notice, that there is a station of public transportation. All of these factors have to keep in mind by building a bus station. All in all this leads into the following picture, which shows the realation between the single subsystems.


Design challenge

The design challenge for this model was how the major boundary conditions of a bus station can be implemented. The two most important points for designing a bus station is of course how many people using the bus and therefore how many buses use the bus line and what kind of buses. The second major question is how fast the cars are driving on the road, less than 50 km/h, inner city or more than that, rural region. A bus station also used to have a side walk, the length of a sidewalk should be the length of the buses, so every user of this transportation system is able to get in a good condition inside of the bus. In this design option the sidewalk is as long as the bus line, this is not necessary, but it enables the users to get to the waiting house without going maybe over unpaved subsoil.