3. Life Cycle Inventory and Analysis

Engineering project systems all have the characteristics of one-time production and long life cycle. Once such a high-energy-consuming system project system is formed, it will be difficult to carry out energy-saving transformation, and it will also increase the load on energy and the environment. so. We will analyze the environmental load and energy consumption generated by the whole life process of the system it produces.




Figure 1: Lifecycle scope of an integrated system

Life cycle analysis takes into account the costs associated with energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

CO2 26€ per metric tone
SO2 85€ per metric tone
NOX 42€ per metric tone
Energy 0.128

To complete the analysis of the integrated system portfolio, a complete bill of materials is drawn up.


Table: System Bill of Materials

A comprehensive assessment of life cycle emissions of integrated civil engineering systems gives the following total energy, emissions and cost results.

Energy CO2 NOx SO2 Cost
203295.1 1279436106 421714378 139755312 62.85657




Figure 2: Energy and emissions ratios for integrated systems

The graph above shows the emissions and energy consumption of this integrated system. It can be seen that the main source of system impact on the environment is CO2 emissions.

1. Integration context of the civil systems

Earth Rock Dam

Highway Bridge

Pavement Overlay System

Road Pavement

Wooden Bridge

2. Integrated Maintenance Planning

3. Life Cycle Inventory and Analysis

4. Multi-Objective Optimization
