Results of Parametric Model

In the following, the parametric model of the Renewable Energy Park is assessed by a number of design options.

Fig.1 gives an overview of the input and output parameters of the different design options. Different combinations of solar power plants and their varying sizes are tested. It is striking, that the Solar Updraft Tower has much higher costs in comparison to the Solar Power Towers, but only generates 10% of the energy output. This has different reasons and can not be seen as a proof that Solar Power Towers are cost-efficient by a magnitude of over 10. The Solar Updraft Tower is larger in comparison to the Solar Power Tower and the costs do not scale linear with the height (s. Fig.2). Both models are incomplete and lack elements in the cost consideration, but which influence the costs enormously. For the Solar Power Towers the construction of the collector field is responsible for about 70% of the investment costs. In addition the power generator that converts the heat within the thermal liquid into electrical energy can be characterizes as a cost driver, while the Solar Updraft Tower only needs a turbine which will be less expensive.

In addition Fig.1 shows, that the plants should be constructed in their individual optimum. Both, the Solar Power Tower and the Solar Updraft Tower, have a higher energy output per costs at bigger sizes. Creating a small number of bigger plants is more cost-efficient than creating a large number of small solar power plants. This is can be seen for the Solar Power Tower as well as the Solar Updraft Tower. A not optimized Solar Updraft Tower will drive up the cost up to 400% and thus, is not economic. As a reason the way of calculating the costs within this parametric model can be named. If the surplus of energy can be feed in to a nationwide energy grid, the costs of energy generating will be reduced.

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Fig.1: RESULT – Summary of the input and output parameters for different configurations of the Renewable Energy Park [authors` diagram]


Fig.2: Functional correlation between the tower height and costs of a Solar Updraft Tower [authors` diagram]


Here the combined parametric model can be downloaded as a dyn-file:


 See also:

Introduction to Parametric Model

Development of Parametric Model

Or main topics:

Integration Context and Individual Systems

Combined Ontology