External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems


The domain chosen to be developed is Thermal  Insulation Composite System (ETICS). External Thermal Insulation composite systems play an important role in energy efficiency of building envelops and the embodied emissions of such systems should follow environmental requirements during its lifetime as well.

It is known that the construction sector and buildings are responsible for 39% of all carbon emissions globally, with 28%  bring operational emissions (from the energy demand for heating, cooling and lighting) and 11% from embodied emissions  associated to materials and constructions processes throughout the complete lifespan of the building.1 Since the beginning of the 1960’s, External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS) have been applied as external  insulation of façades in Central Europe. ETICS became a popular as an energy efficiency strategy in the building stock. This raised the attention on durability of ETICS and therefore many studies have been made, especially by the Fraunhofer  Institute for Building Physics (IBP). These studies have identified damages or degradation factors, costs, and frequency of  maintenance.

The expected life of multi-storey residential buildings is between 50 and 70 years, which have emphasized the need for refurbishment and to extend the service life of the external shell. Based on the studies of IBP, the life expectancy of ETICS is of 60 years. Therfore Thermal  Insulation Composite System (ETICS) deterioration and maintenance activities have to be assessed. The main purpose of the use of ETICS may be overshadowed by the environmental impacts their components may have. ETICS are characterized by their thermal performance and durability, thanks to their composition which is commonly based on a number oflayers: Base Adhesive, Insulation, Mechanical fixings, Reinforced Base, Glass Fiber Mesh, Render, Primer, and Finishing Coat. Not all these layers are part of all ETIC Systems, therefore the goal of this project is to assess the carbon footprint of different ETICS design options to use the LCA as a tool for decision making supporting design teams in the pursuit of decarbonization of the building sector selecting the option with the less energy consumption, Global Warming Potential (CO2), Acidification Potential (SO2), Eutrophication Potential (PO4)3and Depletion Potential of the Stratospheric Ozone Layer(CFC 11).


For more insight of the project different civil engineering systems within the Integration context are followed; Shopping center (focus on elevator), a Climate envelope (focus on girders) and a Wet sprinkler system. All of these products are incorporated in overall Integrated maintenance planning and are beeing assessed to define the impact of the integration on Integrated life-cycle analysis by a Integrated maintenance plan by multi-objective optimization.



  1. New Report: The Building and Construction Sector Can Reach Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050,” World Green Building Council, https://www.worldgbc.org/news-media/WorldGBC-embodied-carbon-report-published#_ftn1.2
  2. Embodied Carbon Call to Action Report,” World Green Building Council, https://www.worldgbc.org/embodied-carbon
  3. Künzel, H.M. & Sedlbauer, K.: Long-term Performance of External Thermal Insulation Systems (ETICS)
  4. Kvande et al., “Durability of ETICS with Rendering in Norway—Experimental and Field Investigations
  5. Sulakatko and Vogdt, “Construction Process Technical Impact Factors on Degradation of the External Thermal Insulation Composite System.



Integration context