Integrated Civil System

Observation tower

Through the integrated civil System, we invite you to explore the components of the integrated urban system and understand how they work together. The tourist attraction area, which we choose as our integrated system, features four key civil engineering systems: a retaining wall, pavement, aquifer, and forest tower. The site’s urban infrastructure begins with a pavement, which leads to the forest tower located on a hill. The hill is separated from the pavement by the retaining wall, which also acts as a barrier for the groundwater system beneath. The pavement continues to the entrance of the forest tower, providing access for visitors to explore the engineered systems in place.

The integration of these engineering systems in the tourist attraction area is designed to achieve accessibility and independence. The pavement facilitates ease of access for visitors, enabling them to reach the tower via wheeled transportation rather than relying on stairs or hiking. To accommodate the pavement, the hill needed to be leveled, and a retaining wall was constructed to prevent soil collapse and protect the pavement. The forest tower and its facilities are made independent through the implementation of a groundwater system, providing a sustainable source of water. This careful integration of engineering solutions optimizes visitor experience and ensures the longevity and viability of the attraction.


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> Combined Parametric Model

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