
Cycling Infrastructure

Brief Introduction on the Model and its development

Cycling infrastructure has grown widely in last decades, and a part of the conventional non-elevated roads, crossing a barrier for bikes might not be as smooth as it is for cars. For our civil engineering product we have developed designed models that integrate many aspects that affect the cyclists when crossing a barrier (referred to in the model as a river). The abstract models simulate roads that can safely, comfortably, and sufficiently transport bikes with other users in accordance with the German standards. The following four products were integrated to produce the intended infrastructure:

Bikes bridge

Cycling infrastructure

Fast Cycling route


Integrated ontologies

An overview of the individual ontologies as well as integrating them is presented in this webpage. The Ontological development was taken as a first step of the design process in order to comprehend and obtain a thorough knowledge of the local (individual) and global (integrated) domains.

Combined parametric model

The four individual models were integrated and modelled using blender. The integration approaches another perspective for the combined model, as it addresses the traffic demand of the infrastructure to generate a safe and adequate road to overcome a river in a lower or higher road level. Three models were generated and presented that alternate the number of users, demand of user and direction. The models simulate the adequate road charachterestics and cross section for the desired traffic.