D. Substation


A world without electricity is imaginable, and even though it is readily available in modern households, the process in which is produced, transported, and distributed is extremely complex. While the processes that facilitate the production of electricity are fairly week understood, the storage and distribution remain less revised and understood, for example the function of substation. Therefore, an ontology model can be developed to create a better understanding of substations.


Figure 1: Overview of the functioning of a substation.


The focus of the ontology model is to cover every or at least the most essential parts of the substation, to improve an overall understanding of its function. This model has special focus on the cost aspect of substations. This research could be used a starting point for anyone who is making a financial assessment or working in the electric or construction segments of developing a substation. This ontology model could be an important reference in making important decisions regarding the budget of substations as well as highlight the most important components and display less important aspects.


The most essential function of a substation is the transmission of energy. Part of the purpose of this model is to summarize and exhibit the individual components in a way that is easy to understand, and so it is possible to realize how they will work alongside each other. The most basic understanding is that electricity is transmitted through transmission wires and carried to transmission lines. These substations are important because electricity can not travel well lover long distances without being stepped down, and it cannot be used by the consumer without being stepped down. This process is carried out in a substation.

This process is needed because electricity can almost never be produced in the same place where it is being used. Therefore, electricity often must travel over long distances, and this is only possible in high voltages. The unit of voltages and its values must be measured accurately to best suit the stances between substations and symmetrical loading at the substation. As high voltage lines come through the substation, they run through switches. As a safety practice, there are usually two high voltage transmission lines running into a single substation in case of the failure of one. Since there are usually at least two transmission lines flowing in, there needs to be at least two transformers present.

Components SS

Figure 2: Componenets of a Substation.

Ontology Model


Figure 3: Ontology Model


By using the ontology, an understand for the components, their functions, and their interactions with each other can be created. This was also a means to help better evaluate alternatives and different design configurations to find the most cost-effective option. However reduced costs can lead to other problem such as a power lag in the absence of a sufficient capacitor bank, or perhaps a problem could not be rectified early on if there is insufficient relay in the design configuration. Therefore, a multiple parameter design approach is need to ensure substations are well-built and and do not have failures or power lags due to the uniform output provided be the transformers.


https://www.elprocus.com/electrical-substation-components/ Working: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC0t_9Z_9hg&ab_channel=BobsdeclineLinemanblogger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kMOdJrJjuE&ab_channel=RoTricks Pricings: https://www.johnsonelectricchina.com/product/9/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAhf2MBhDNARIsAKXU5GSJqcUm_b -ltVTxcdoiHbNhCoPN1hPl-Uwx9CL0d8M9ZsjY5TuygLAaAvYyEALw_wcB

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVXRoNLi4tY&ab_channel=Substationsfordummies https://www.indiamart.com/proddetail/33kv-ht-cable11100269533.html#:~:text=33KV%20HT%20Cable%2C%2033%20KV,%26%20Power%20Company%20%7C% 20ID%3A%2011100269533

https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/33kv-Transformer-Price-Current-Transformer3_1600172898039.html?spm=a2700.7724857.normal_offer.d_title.3d4e36d7rGRgzA&s=p https://www.indiamart.com/proddetail/substation-automation-scada-system-12553870962.html