Bundled maintenance strategy

Analyzing the maintenance plans and time-line plots of the individual sub-systems shows that some maintenance interventions for the systems are performed within a brief timespan or in the same year. This holds the possibility of combining and bundling maintenance interventions. The focus in this project is not on assessing the technical suitability of combining interventions in terms of an optimal implementation. Rather, the interventions are bundled according to their time of occurrence in the system lifetime.

With bundling maintenance interventions, it is expected that time of expected interruptions over the lifetime of the system can be reduced because less separate maintenance interventions must be performed. To a certain degree this increases the overall service level of the integrated system because it increases the time in which the system is available for use. The overall service level is not only characterized by the systems down-time du to maintenance but also by the functionality of the sub-systems. If for example the elevator does not operate, it limits the service level in so far that the comfort of using the pedestrian walkway is limited and people who are limited in their mobility are excluded from the system. If the sprinklerpipe or the girders are not functioning, than the service level of the system drops to zero since it cannot be used by anyone because there is danger to life.

The following figures show the maintenance plans for the sub-systems with bundled interventions and visualized as time-line plots. The last figure visualizes a combined overview of all bundled maintenance interventions of the sub-systems for the integrated system of the pedestrian walkway.

Bundled elevator maintenance plan
Bundled elevator maintenance plan
Bundled envelope maintenance plan
Bundled envelope maintenance plan
Bundled ETICS maintenance plan
Bundled ETICS maintenance plan
Bundled envelope maintenance plan
Bundled envelope maintenance plan
Integrated bundled maintenance plan for pedestrian walkway
Integrated bundled maintenance plan for pedestrian walkway



Integrated maintenance planning