Integrated Systems


Infrastructure plays a crucial role in shaping modern cities and is considered the most important facility by citizens. The growth and development of a city highly depends on civil systems, which include apartments, skyscrapers, rebuilt old houses, and well connected transportation facilities that are ergonomically and aesthetically designed. Because of the growing scarcity of land in cities, the need for more efficient use of space is necessary. By integrating different functions in one project, developers can maximize the use of available land and create vibrant, mixed-use developments that provide a wide range of benefits to their residents and the surrounding community. Also huge construction projects like sports facility centers have to face challenges of the limited space and are more often next to apartment buildings.

Figure 1: stadium in city center (
Figure 1: stadium in city center (

Integration Context

To combine civil systems become increasingly important as cities continue to grow and face pressure to make the most of their limited resources. In this project, four different civil systems are integrated: two high-rise buildings, a prefabricated facade panel as well as a stadium. The engineering challenge is to define their individual features and functions so that they could be combined into one system. One of the high-rise buildings serves as a office building for the team members, coaches, employees and guests. This building exists already and gets a refurbishment with a new facade system to reduce its energy consumption. It will function as an administrative block, where a lot of different functions, such as finance, marketing and planning, take place. Through the facade panel the building gets a modern and aesthetic touch to the exterior while improving energy efficiency and providing additional insulation. The other high-rise building is a new residental building for all the guests, team members and visitors. Next to both the stadium will be placed. The importance of this project lies in its ability to provide modern and efficient infrastructure that meets the need of a growing city. Byintegrating multiple civil systems this project addresses several key challenges facing cities including the need for affordable housing, reuse of the existing building stock and integrating huge construction projects in cities by creating attractive spaces.

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