Combined parametric model

The combined parametric model includes a model of a single-family home representing rooms and geometry, two different models of floor slabs and a representation of diaphragm walls.

In a first step, interfaces where created within the model of the single-family home. To allow for it to incorporate the floor slabs and still provide a reasonable room height, the total heigth of the rooms are increased. There are parameters introduced for the floor slabs to adjust to, describing the position of the slab within the threedimensional space and it’s length and width.

The concrete floor slab with beams model is supposed to support the upstairs part of the single-family home and carry the load to the supporting outside walls and columns. The interfaces provided in step one are used to integrate the correct dimensions in the model. In order to match the layout with multiple columns, the span between the beams is adapted to the distance of the columns. As a last step the z-location of the slab and beams is modified to bring the building parts in a compatible position.

The beam ceiling model is incorporated between second floor of the single-famlily home and its roof. It is entirely incorporated into the model, so that from the outside it is not visible. The measurements of the slab are adjusted so that it covers the entire story. It is vertically placed in such a way that the girders are a part of the subjacent room and the planking is part of the roof space. This is considered a reasonable approach. In order to reflect a proper way of connection a beam ceiling to its supporting walls, two additional parameters are introduced: a wall thickness and an offset for the girders. The girdes’s length is then adjusted, so that they are embedded into the supporting walls according to the defined offset. Additionally, the planking is limited to the space between the walls. This reflects an actual construction method.

As a diaphragm wall does not induce much vibration or deformation in an adjourning building, it is possible to establish a excavation pit next to existing buildings. The family house and the knew building project are seperated by a road. A representation of a road is introduced to mark the distance between diaphragm wall and building: the road passes in front of the single-family home; on the other side, the diaphragm wall is build as a part of construction work for a new large-scale building project. For the road, two additional parameters are introduced that represent the road and the green area besides. The diaphragm wall is placed relatively to the storeroom of the single-family home, considering the road in between.