
1 Integration Context of the Systems

In order to understand the relationships between the different components over the lifecycle, in particular with a focus on the maintenance of each of its subsystems, we have developed a integrated lifecycle model containing the Lifecycle analysis of a set of frames of an Airport hangar, their footings/bottom plate and a runway. This integrated system has been assessed regarding Its reaction due to small changes within the maintenance strategy.
The final goal is to develop a holistic maintenance plan for all three above mentioned systems.
All three systems are part of an Airport. The footings or bottom plate is physically attached to the hangars portal frame. The runaway is not directly attached to frame or for instance the foodings directly. It is aligned in its vicinity. Though the runway is not directly attached, it does still have an interface with the maintaining systems. The runway is the enables Airplanes to arrive and to departure the airport. In case of a bad condition of the runway it is thinkable that e.g. Airplanes might have to spend more time inside the hangar to be maintained due do a higher wear of the plaines resulting in an higher use of the hangar, it’s facilities and resulting in risk of accidents within the structure that might require repair or increase the maintenance rate.
Since both the footing and the hangar can be seen as a subsystems of the hangar, these are closely related to each other.

Relationships between the systems


The  illustration above shows the interfaces and maintenances of the systems. The dimentions fo the Runaway and the hangar are in close relation to eachother, since a longer runway usually means that bigger airplanes are entering the airport which will also need to be able to enter the hangar. Additionally the dimentions the runway and the hangar are physically conneted through a taxiway which allowes the ariplaines and different vehicles to enter the hangar.
The hangar and the footings/bottom palte are in close physicall relationship to eachother since the footing/bottom plate are a subsystem of the hangar.
All three systems can be maintained at the same time.



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