Environmental Scenarios

The different environmental scenarios all depends on the three main input parameters of the river width, the amount of sun and the amount of wind.

Addicted on the geographical climate conditions our model can change in a way to generate the maximum amount of energy.

  • River width:

    Our model has the input parameter “River Width”. By changing the parameter the river model gets either, wider or slimer. By changing the width of the river the entire combined model will adapt. The Dam with the tunnel will change their width according to the the river. The road on top of the dam will also get longer or shorter. The solar dish collectors and the wind turbines will move closer or further from the center of the river. So the entire Green Energy Park locates its components arround the river.

  • Amount of sun:

In order to be able to create the maximum amount of solar energy the parametric model can increas the amount of solar dish collectors depending on the amount of sun available in the geographic zone of the energy plant. The model therefor has the input parameter “Amount Sun” which can chage the amount of solar collectors between 0 and 5.

  • Amount of wind:

Similar to the amount of sun, the amount of wind in the environment of the model also changes the model. The amount of the wind turbines can be altered with the input parameter “Amount Wind”. By changing the imput of this parameter between 0 and 5 depending on the amount of wind of the climate zone the amount of windturbines will change acordingly.

Climate Zones…

we found three different global climate zones, which all have different climate conditions. For each climate Zone we created alternatives of our model with different amounts of solar collectors and wind turbines and with a different width of the river.


Min Max
Continental Climate Zone 0 2 Solar collectors
4 5 Wind turbines
Temperate Climate Zone 4 5 Solar collectors
0 2 Wind turbines
Semiarid Climate Zone 4 5 Solar collectors
4 5 Wind turbines