Timber Room Module: Ontology

1. Introduction

In the dynamic landscape of modern cities, the demand for affordable housing solutions, particularly for transient populations such as students, is on the rise. Introducing timber room modules for student housing emerges as a promising solution, offering both economic and environmental benefits. Timber, known for its sustainability and low environmental impact, aligns with the growing emphasis on eco-friendly construction practices. Moreover, the modularity of these timber modules allows for flexible and scalable housing options, adapting effortlessly to fluctuating student populations and urban development needs. By amalgamating affordability, sustainability, and adaptability, timber room modules present a compelling proposition for addressing the evolving housing challenges of modern cities.

2. What is purpose?

This ontology is developed to summarize the conceptual design of this timber room module, which is part of the whole composition for a student housing project.

3. What is the scope?

This ontology includes concepts such as physical components, their respective functions, their relation to each other and their possible materials.

4. Who are the intended users?

The intended users are planners in early as well as later planning phases, looking for a summary about the function and logic behind the timber module and its elements.

5. What is the intended use?

As a guideline for planners to integrate these timber room modules into a bigger system that will function as a student housing.


6. Engineering Example

Scenario: A recently new producer of timber room modules wants to plan their production hall. For this a sequence of construction of the room modules needs to be established.

Use case: The producer refers to the ontology to gather insights on all the systems, which elements they are made up of and how they intwine. Based on this he knows which elements are based on others and such, a sequence develops.

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Full Report: Luisa Limbach

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