Combined Parametric Model

The creation of the parametric model can be divided in the development of the model and the comparison of the different design options as a result of the integrated parametric context.

Development of the parametric model

Results of the parametric model

The Renewable Energy Park will consist of a number of solar towers to fulfill the energy demand of a virtual city. A certain proportion of the energy should be added by the updraft tower, a very low-tech energy production building, to always generate a critical minimum amount of energy. The transmission towers connect the plants with one another but also supply the city with energy. If a sufficient energy grid already exists the number of transmission towers can possibly be reduced, but for a new development project of this size it is essential to built new transmission tower and expand the energy grid. Otherwise it would be waste to generate this amount of clean energy and loose a huge amount because of an old and inefficient power distribution.

Energy Park with updraft tower in the foreground and small solar tower
Fig.1: Energy Park with Solar Updraft Tower in the foreground and a small Solar Power Tower Plant [taken from Dynamo Sandbox]

Or main topics:

Integration Context and Individual Systems

Combined Ontology