Local Transport Network

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Local Transport Network – Google Earth

Within this project individual components of a functional infrastructure are combined in one holistic integration model. We start from the perspective of a new railway line, important for sustainable transportation options. Considering the lengthy implementation time for big infrastructure projects, the infrastructure of the future needs to be build today. The tram track then has important interfaces to other components that are needed for a proper functioning system. For example possibilities to cross the track with underpasses for non-motorized traffic, bridges, or tunnels. Bridges or tunnels could also be needed to fit the track to the terrain. The maintenance period is the longest and most cost-intensive period in the life cycle of infrastructure structures. The chosen maintenance strategy could decide over the success of a project.

Our aim is to showcase how four different maintenance strategies for the whole local transport network influence high performance criteria such as emissions (CO2, NOx, SO2) and the costs of the impact on the environment. In addition, the time interval between measures to be carried out is to be minimized in order to increase the availability of the infrastructure structures. This is intended to assist civil engineers in decision-making during the design phase of infrastructure structures by quickly generating different scenarios and automatically calculating the impact on high performance criteria.

This website was created to show the progress of the project in an easily accessible way. View the table of content on the right hand side for a full overview of all available informations.

Integrated Engineering Products

This chapter presents the integration process of the tram track, bicycle underpass and tunnel systems. The different interfaces and constraints between the systems are presented and possible extensions are described.


Integrated Maintenance Planning

In this chapter different maintenance planning strategies for the integrated system are compared. Also the bundling of task is investigated. The resulting service level (the availability) as an excellent measure of performance is computed.


Life Cycle Inventory

A life cycle inventory analysis is used to investigate the influence of a selection of input variables on the combined overall system of tram track, tunnel and bicycle underpass. The influence is evaluated over the entire life cycle using performance criteria, which are generated as output at the end of the analysis.


Multi-Objective Optimization

In this chapter, the approach to a multi-objective optimization for our integrated system is shown as well as an interpretation of the results. In total fifteen input variables are chosen by the solver to find pareto optimal solutions regarding the total duration of maintenance intervention in days over the lifetime, the minimal timespan between two interventions of this solution, the emissions of CO2, NOx, and SO2 and the total costs. You will find a figure showing the rhythm of every different maintenance task and much more.
