Integration Context

The integration context is simplified to its essentials regarding the main functions of the four different systems:

Residential apartment building by John Bello

Steel Bridge by Marvin Eichholz

Subway System by Mehmet Fatih Sönmez

Water Distribution System by Chalisa Buranathai

An overview of the different systems as well as their main functions is presented beneath. In the center the connection between them.

Integration Context


The different interfaces between the systems are reduced to the basics shown in the figure beneath. Beginning with the water distribution system treated water is distributed into the residential buildings. The main connection between the residential building and the subway system are the passenger transportation function. The last main interface identified is the transportation function which connects the subway system with the steel bridge supporting the transport.

The focus is set on the crucial interfaces within this modelling task, because adding plenty more existing connections between these systems would blur the clear picture. Therefore this simplified and still accurate integration is chosen to syncronize the maintenance planning and their life cycle functions.
