Integrated System: Parametric Model


The system is a stadium park that represents two main attraction centers for visitors: the stadium and a shopping center, along with a metro station that provides access to this park. For the construction of the metro station, a soil support system is designed and included as a sub-system for the station.

Parametric models for systems are summarized (top-down) as follows: When stadium parameters are specified, the stadium volume is determined and the seating capacity is estimated. Meanwhile, the maximum occupancy for the shopping center is also estimated from the total sum of floor areas. Estimated peak visitors from both systems influence the width and length of the metro station by a rough estimation, based on common practice in the industry. Finally, the dimensions of the metro station influence those of the soil support system.

Generally, the optimal solutions for the system would be to serve the maximum number of passenger demand with minimum material quantities/volume. After the integrated system is optimized as a whole, the individual sub-systems can be optimized based on their own performance criteria.