Design parameters

The analysis bases on three common emission factors, which were considered for the indivudal sub-systems’ life-cycles in the previous project and the cost associated with the environmental impact. Namely energy, CO2, and SO2. The life-cycle stages of production, manufacturing, and maintenance are considered.

The energy consumed during the respective life-cycle stages is measured in MJ.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas associated with warming the earth by acting as a blanket insulating the earth. It is measured in kg. It has a global warming potential of 1, because it is used as the reference for comparing different pollution sources. [1]

SO2 is the component with the greatest concern among the larger group of gaseous sulfur oxides (SOx). It is considered as an indirect greenhouse gas. It can directly cause health problems by penetrating our lungs. Also, it can damage the foliage of trees and plants and can contribute to acid rain, which can harm the environment. It is measured in kg. [2]






Integrated life-cycle analysis